Thursday, January 21, 2010

Pencil Play

Going back to just straight drawing as a discipline is a bug step for me. Part of was sure I forgot everything I ever learned or did as an art student but it really is like getting on bicycle. You just hop on and away you go. The big changes for me with this piece was the concept of using the graphite like paint with the erasers and stump as brushes. Once I got rolling on that mindset I was off and running. The class, with Misty Mawn also suggested some great books on portrait drawing and my nose is glued into those. Once you get into this it is just so absorbing and rewarding you want to quit eating and just draw. Unfortunately my husband still wants to eat so there are various inspirations to get into the kitchen and do something. I'm still in the middle of setting up the Etsy shop, getting a phone line and other business duties that it almost seemed like I wasn't getting any art time at all. I am grateful I signed up for this class and have this commitment in the back of my mind and on my drawing board.

I wandered into Dick Blick's to pick up a few pencils and walked out with over $50 worth of supplies: I decided that if I was going to do this at all , I would get some pencils with artist grade graphite...smooth stuff that didn't skip and scratch, then, of course, I saw these really cool tortillons for blending..yep, I needed those. Then I saw that drawing boards were on sale $7!!!! My dear husband borrowed mine years ago to shore up a desk top and I never got it back. He's cute so I let him keep it and added the drawing board to my stack...some stick charcoal, a pad of colored paper. SIGH. It's just too easy ! I had to put down the extra tinted charcoal pencils, though I have since discovered my white charcoal pencil has a shattered lead and I'll need to go again. Luckily I have a coupon for another local art store..ArtMart.
I loved her crooked smile. My goal was to get more expression into my drawings and this was a nice step forward in that direction. I also want to do more ethnic faces...I want some variety...My heart knows that when I look out at the world faces come in all kinds of shapes, sizes and colors...I want that it my art. I've always loved Da Vinci's drawings of characters and expressions. My next splurge will be a decent book on Da Vinci's art. I really don't have one and Misty has suggested one that I want to hunt down.

Speaking of books, if you are looking fora wonderful tale of a spiritual journey told by a mother-daughter team, hunt down "Traveling with Pomegranates" You can click on the Amazon description using the book on the right. It is a hundred times better than I can tell you, so just read it and thank me later.

Don't forget to stop by on Monday for the OneWorld One heart event !!!!!!
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