Thursday, January 6, 2011

She walks in Beauty..

Well, the judges thought so......She has been juried into an exhibit at Art St. Louis called "Beholder" as in "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder..." This fine lady is mostly collage on a painted background. The collage papers were further altered with solvents to create the soft effects in her gown and gilded cage. she obviously sets the sun to rising every day and perhaps tucks it in at night when the moon takes over the darkening skies. she always makes me smile because of her sunny appearance. Quite a glow going on with this girl !
So if you are wandering about St. Louis or nearby Middle Earth, by all means, join me for an evening of exciting art...I got a peek at the other accepted works when I dropped off mine. It's a lovely gallery striving to show off the Arts in St. Louis.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch: my classes at the St. Louis Artists Guild have morphed into an on-going series by popular demand. Very exciting. The students are wonderfully creative and we have a great time exploring various media through art journaling. Please join us there is you can...we meet Monday mornings at 10:00 am with coffee hot and waiting. The 17th of this month starts a new series so come and don't need to be a "real Artist", just real curious and really interested in creating images that are all about you.

I've cleared the decks in my studio and one of my New year's Inspirations (resolutions sounds too ominous) is to finish some larger pieces I have had sitting around. Yesterday I was madly tearing edges, cropping large into not so large and throwing a ton of paint all over the place. What could be more fun? If they have been sitting around the studio for this long, not finished, not becoming, I can take wild, wild chances with them. After all, if I did nothing, they would just sit there and eventually get folded or bent or just thrown out. it is a form of recycling I guess. I also have some ideas about throwing some paint onto the walls and creating a more interesting environment. I was always taught that an artist needed white walls to judge the colors and values of paintings, but I did some of my very best work in a room with salmon walls and carpeting, a tree house kind of place in the wild, wild west. Seems I can dash up Middle Earth a bit with some chroma, eh ?

A new Dick Blick's opens this week not far from my nest and I am very excited to have it edge a bit closer. Saves on shipping. I was invited to safari into the wilds of Illinois to the outlet store by the manager there. I can't wait to have a road trip with some of my dear artist friends. I may have to invest in a video recorder for that adventure.

One last update: I just completely overhauled my Etsy shop with new work and..most exciting..prints of my favorite originals including some from that were featured in the Somerset Gallery issue. I could keep the price points very reasonable on everything so please check it out. You can click on the icon to the right and it will take you there !

Well that seems to be everything for this moment in time. Have a great time Happy new yearing!!!!!
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