Sunday, February 20, 2011

Spring Fever

Oh, I am so loving these promising days of warmer air, the smell of the earth and garden catalogs all over the house. It seems I go awol regularly, especially if I wander out the door to run the quickest of errands...I wind up making detours to wooded trails and lakeside wanderings. SIGH. I know it will get cold again before I REALLY have Spring to celebrate. In the meantime, I feel like a big old sunflower turning towards the sun every chance I get. I can get stopped in my tracks just crossing a parking lot by that warmth on my face spinning me towards it and just holding me there for enough moments to make me smile at my own silliness.This pretty above is really an orchid. I have been in awe of by sister-in-laws who seem to be able to call up their orchid blooms again and again. . My mother-in-law also had a green thumb with these beautiful exotics, but mine always died after they bloomed. This specimen was given to me by my husband at last years orchid exhibit at the Botanical gardens. It has done me right by blooming its little head off this year and I am just so proud of it for not keeling over.
My friends are wondering just where I have wandered off to with comparative silence on FB and other media. I have had a lot on my mind as you can see by this little doodle. I am still working out all this money and business stuff. Taxes due. A sad anniversary coming at me. All that and a spiritual journey that is leading me to question so much in my life. Not in a bad a very good way, but it all takes time. Then there are the things I really WANT to do. Writing articles, sending off packages to Far Away California, painting my heart out.
Then there is the nesting thing. My little family of man and dog who need to be fed and petted on a regular basis. A house that wants to invite more folks in for dinner and laughter, a yard that wants to bloom, furniture that wants paint, cakes that want to be blueberry bundt in the oven this minute.....I want to do these things, too. I love my nest...a teacup of a nest. Fragile, delicate, yet in a very wonderful way productive in the sense that new things always seem to be growing...created, invented.There is just so much potential in my little space and I want to light it all up!.
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