Friday, July 22, 2011

A cherished friend

Your bright tenderness
is sweetness tending the soul.
Love bursts from my brush.

Yesterday I spent the day with a dear friend,
a magical creature who dwells with birds and gnomes
fairies and herds of doxies.
She celebrated her birthday by giving away
 the most luscious of cupcakes.
Recipes and hugs went along as prizes.
Her generosity and happiness
would overflow any cup,
or Ocean.

This haiku is for Karin,
who loves to hear
any voice call her name.
She inspires my heart as well as my brush.

Please link to Rebecca and more magical folk at Recuerdo mi corazon.


gma said...

Love this!!!Is it painted on fabric? It looks like a flag! Your words and art honor your friend.

Snap said...

Happy Birthday to Karin! The cupcake looks delicious and real! A great way to honor your friend. I live with birds and fairies ... no gnomes so far, but I'm thinking about crocheting one! :D :D :D

Spadoman said...

You speak very highly of your friend. Cupcakes sound good too! The haiku shows a wonderful tribute to someone you are very fond of.


Fran aka Redondowriter said...

Your friend Karin must love you very much to inspire you in such a special way. And, I wish I could take a big bite of your cupcake.

rebecca said...

love the beauty i find here today! what better gift than friendship? thank you for including us in this celebration of joy!

Noelle Clearwater said...

Kathleen this is lovely. So inspiring to see such love between friends and know that your friend has such a generous spirit on her birthday. The cupcake looks luscious. Beautiful haiku tribute to her.

Marit said...

'Love bursts from my brush'... oh what a wonderful line! Love it!

Janet Ghio said...

I am loving your cupcake painting!! Looking forward to your icon class in august.

Anonymous said...

Love this painting and what a wonderful way to spend time with a good friend!

Margaret Pangert said...

The sweetness of friendship does tend the soul! And love is bursting from your brush! There is no better feeling than deeply and joyfully connecting with another person. Adding the bunny in (2) brought us all into your shared magical world! And in (1) you invited us into your world by placing the palette in the foreground! Inviting, whimsical, joyful day, Kathleen!

Theresa Plas said...

Beautifulness! So pleased I discovered your blog:)