Friday, August 26, 2011

Haiku my Heart Friday: Spadoman Clafoutis

T'was a bonnie pie
A pie to dance and sing for
Please, good Cook, serve more!

a homage to Spadoman's recipe for Clafoutis:
I used Greek yogurt and plenty of peaches and berries.
My husband never eats peaches,
not his favorite fruit.
but he ate well this fine pie,
or Clafoutis.
A thank you to Spadoman for a fine recipe that will be added
to the permanent list,
to be served with whatever lush fruit is in season.

Please join the rest of the Haiku group for more
wonders and joy at Rebecca's place.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Catching Up

Ah, just a moment to sit down and catch up with you.
I've been madly organizing, painting, teaching,
all manner of fun stuff.
I am still glowing with the after effects
of the wonderful Somerset article in their "Art Journaling" issue,
being included in the last issue of Somerset Studio.
It proves dreams do come true,
but they take some work, let me tell you!
I taught the Icon workshop again
and my students did amazing things.
I would sure like to teach that one at one of the sweet art retreats
and that may be the next dream to dream.

My classes at the St. Louis Artists' Guild are going great!
We just finished an 8 week session for newbies,
though they were newbies to art journaling, they were pros at taking ideas and just running with them. We had beautiful work come out of that class.
We will be having an exhibit of their work and the work of my advanced classes at the Union Avenue Christian church here in St. Louis,
beginning September 5.
Many of my students will also be showing their off the page work at the Guild's next exhibit "Among Friends" which opens September 4,
with a reception from 1-3.
I will be in that one, too with this sweet little painting.
I love the colors in this one.
I want to jump on board and sail away.

In the midst of all this fun, I am teaching TWO classes for Grumbacher at the Michael's in St. Charles.
I have great students there, too.
I love teaching beginners that they

Add to the mix my first sojourn across the big sea waters:
Scotland is waiting for me.
It's been waiting a long time,
ever since my grandmother, a Scottish immigrant told me
stories of Glasgow and Edinburgh.
I'll be off to Sherbrooke Castle and the Willow Tea room in just a few short weeks.
I promise
to share the magic.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Postcards from Paradise:Dancing in the Dark.

The sound of fluttering wings
awoke me in the night
and led me to a different place
a place of dark and light.
The dancer whispered in my ear
secrets just for me,
of how to make my dreams breath life 
of how to make them free.
I woke and her wise words remained ,
her voice was in my wakened ear
and light was given form.

an original collage by Kathleen Barnes
Please visit Rebecca for more postcards from paradise. Her postcard is very special today and leads to others who are trying to make a difference.
Join us.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Haiku My Heart at Figure Drawing

Charcoal flows across page,
smudging fingers blend the soft shades
and light becomes all.

Paint is my passion
but I know drawing is my center.
so this season, I have promised myself
a gift of time
to draw.
A weekly model,
costs shared with others so inclined.
A box of chalks and pencils,
a few sheets of paper.
I sit upon the drawing bench
and begin.
The world becomes a wonder of light and dark,
soft edges and firm lines.
Earth colors.
Eyes and hands overule all other concerns.
The heart wins.

Please join Rebecca and the Haiku group for more wonders
 and poetry from the heart.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

New Beginnings

Isn't Autumn in the air?
Time for new beginnings.
I think more about who I am and where I am going in the Autumn than I do at New Year's Eve.
It's the point where I always seem to assess myself,
my life,
directions and goals.
What have I accomplished?
What do I want to accomplish.
There is also a synchronicity happening this year,
stronger than in other times,
of promises, offers,
At this tender age, I still want to learn and grow.
I think I am enough,
I could be more,
more of the good things:
more compassionate,
more forgiving,
more patient,
more gentle.
As the green of summer begins to soften into the earthy colors of Autumn,
I believe I can soften, also.

My friend, Rebecca is still a guest at Crescendoh
where she and other amazing artists are sharing wonders of the heart, hands and mind.
Please visit both sites.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Lured out

Ok, Rebecca, you have lured me out
with your wonderful bouquet of flowers!
Please visit my friend
at her site
not only for the flowers, but to follow her to the
and enjoy her article on how Art Saves.
I have been a serious fan of Jenny Doh since her work at Somerset
inspired my life and my art.
It is a great site to bookmark and visit regularly for Jenny has gathered
an amazing group of inspirational folk
and it changes weekly to many wonders.
It is more than fitting that my new and beautiful source of inspiration is Rebecca, another woman who has gathered an amazing gathering of creatives who inspire each other with words and images
that truly feed the soul.
I promise an update on what I have been up to. Life is moving with such speed, I need to take a deep breath and join
you all again soon.


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

New posting on my Etsy

Yes, the Purloined Poppies is for sale.
The original is 9X12
on heavy watercolor paper.

Watch for more additions to my Etsy later on this week.
My goal is a slow redesign,
aimed at selling a few more original pieces.

I know I need to let go of some work,
to allow new things to process
through my tiny studio.

Prints are still available.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Haiku my Heart Friday

Fragrant, dark and deep,
Balanced in vanilla dreams
Dawn bliss to be shared.

An incredibly busy week...not quite over
but with a promise of slow this morning time.
Dawn not quite with me, I decide I am an honored guest
in my own home.

A few moments of bliss,
but then,
I realize:
This is meant to be shared,

with you.

where others share their hearts
and haiku.

Generosity abounds
and you are welcome.