Sunday, August 21, 2011

Postcards from Paradise:Dancing in the Dark.

The sound of fluttering wings
awoke me in the night
and led me to a different place
a place of dark and light.
The dancer whispered in my ear
secrets just for me,
of how to make my dreams breath life 
of how to make them free.
I woke and her wise words remained ,
her voice was in my wakened ear
and light was given form.

an original collage by Kathleen Barnes
Please visit Rebecca for more postcards from paradise. Her postcard is very special today and leads to others who are trying to make a difference.
Join us.


Miss Robyn said...

oh what an absolutely beautiful collage.

rebecca said...

there is a story here...setting us all free.
thank you for your beauty and a wave to dark, then light.

Unknown said...

lovely...the dancer on butterfly wings.