Friday, May 20, 2011

Haiku my Heart

Morning Dew calls me
Toes nesting in wet grass
We sip the the Dawn Light.

Inspiration comes from many places and the magical blog Recuerda Mi Corazon touches my heart. I love the form of haiku. It is a doable poem format for we busy bees. In addition to Haiku Friday, Rebecca has created all manner of wondrous delights for the heart. Please visit her and also the other magical haiku poets linked to her blogsite.

Each morning since Spring has visited Middle Earth, I step outside in my pink pajamas and worn out tennis shoes. I visit each little garden I have planted in our backyard: a place for herbs and salads; a place for bright colored Poppies , morning Glories and the sweet scents of Lavender; A magical pot of mint by the gate and three pots of ..even more salad!.

After my little circuit which tells me who needs water and who needs weeding, I step out of those old tennis shoes and into the cool wet grass, bare toes nestling into the soothing dampness. I reach my arms up to the sky and give thanks for the day, for my life, for this space in time. Then I bend down to touch my dear Mother Earth and gather the dew onto my hands to wash my face in Full Moon water.
then, with arms raised again, standing tall, I turn to each of the four directions calling out my gratitudes for my home, my family, the trees and sky. As I return to center I gather all of that wonder and gratitude into my heart space and just breathe, allowing my heart to be filled. The last thing I do is walk to my favorite tree, hung with wind chimes and set each one in motion so I walk to their song back to my house and the new day.
That's my poem.


rebecca said...


you have opened me up like a bright new morning to share your rituals of dawn.
i am honored and so pleased you are here sharing gratitude and beauty.
truly you
haiku my heart!

Kim Mailhot said...

What a perfect poem, perfect ritual to greet the day. Thank you for sharing it, and your lovley haiku, with us.
Happy Friday !

Unknown said...

So lovely...I can SEE your wee gardens and breath in their sweet scents.

Dawn Elliott said...

What a beautiful ritual you practice each morning...checking your beloved plants and setting the wind chimes into motion! I LOVE it!

Janet Ghio said...

Love Rebecca's blog! I miss my yard-saying hello to the flowers each morning!!

Meri said...

Hi Kathleen -- glad to meet you! Love your blog banner, your little haiku meditation, and the explanation of your morning practice.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

The morning dew used to call me too--and then I moved to the desert! Now about the only morning thing that calls me is the wind...

Fran aka Redondowriter said...

Your art style really, really appeals to me and after reading your haiku, I loved your morning garden story.

gma said...

rebecca is so very inspiring! Your words and art are lovely.

Margaret Pangert said...

Hi Kathleen~ Your image of the morning dew touching your toes and sipping the light of dawn is delicious! Exquisite haiku and the teal fern tip-toeing in the woods is indeed magic.
I love to connect with nature first thing in the morning, too. We have a tree circle beyond our lawn, and I like to stand in the middle breathing in the energy.
Adding your chimes and delightful garden would make it perfect! Thank you!